
Articles from the nanoscience literature that I think are neat. Updated weekly (more or less).

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Simple and Surprisingly Accurate Approach to the Chemical Bond Obtained from Dimensional Scaling

Svidzinsky et al., "Simple and Surprisingly Accurate Approach to the Chemical Bond Obtained from Dimensional Scaling"
PRL 95, 080401 (2005)

Using a dimensional scaling trick borrowed from the toolbox of string theory, in which one adds an infinite number of dimensions to the problem, and then rescales back to the "right" answer, these guys get the potential energy curve of the hydrogen molecule more or less right. Interestingly, in the large-D limit, this gives a semiclassical picture, similar to a model proposed by Bohr, in which the electrons are confined to specific orbits, BUT the uncertainty principle is retained. They also apply this to some of the standard "theoretician" diatomic molecules, such as HeH, He2, and BeH, and get pretty good results.


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